Perfect Supplements Supports Fair Trade

Fair Trade refers to the market-based approach of paying farmers and other workers a sustainable wage, creating safe working conditions and improving the communities where the workers live. Fair Trade dates back to the 1940's when a few North American and European organizations sought to help poverty stricken areas to sell their hand-crafted goods in well-paying markets. "Fair Trade USA enables sustainable development and community empowerment by cultivating a more equitable global trade model that benefits farmers, workers, consumers, industry and the earth. We achieve our mission by certifying and promoting Fair Trade products."

Perfect Supplements provides Fair Trade ingredients whenever they are available. Our Perfect Acai has always been sourced from suppliers who partner with and improve local farms and communities in the Amazon Rainforest. So when you the consumer purchase a product that is Fair Trade certified, you are getting a top quality product, improving the lives of farmers, and protecting the environment.