100% Organic and Fairly-Traded Spirulina Side Effects

For the most part, Spirulina is safe and free of side effects but not all Spirulina supplements are pure. Spirulina collected from contaminated water and processed in an ineffective manner will be much more dangerous. To avoid major side effects, only take Spirulina supplements that are made with 100% pure and organic Spirulina.

Even pure Spirulina may cause a few minor side effects. These side effects are mild and usually diminish as the consumer builds tolerance to the new supplement. Side effects may include upset stomach, nausea or diarrhea.

People with an autoimmune disease, such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, or lupus, should avoid Spirulina because it may stimulate the immune system which could potentially make the condition worse.

People with a metabolic condition called phenylketonuria (PKU) should avoid taking Spirulina. People with this rare condition cannot metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine. Spirulina is rich in all amino acids, including phenylalanine.

Women who are pregnant or nursing should always consult a doctor before starting any new supplement.

Perfect Spirulina, is pure, 100% Organic Certified Spirulina Platensis in a vegetable capsule. Each capsule contains 700mg of Spirulina powder. This super micro-algae contains 65% protein, all essentail amino acids and is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, pytonutrients and GLA. This algae is one of the most nutrient dense foods in the world. Perfect Spirulina is an organic superfood that supports overall good health.*

Perfect Aquatic Greens is a 50/50 mix of 100% pure, Organic Certified and Fairly-Traded Spirulina Platensis and Broken-Cell Wall Chlorella. Each capsule contains 350mg each of Chlorella and Spirulina. These micro-algae contain over 100 nutrients, including protein, iron, beta-carotene, calcium, potassium, magnewium, several vitamins, including A, C, D, E, and all the B Vitamins, as well as essential fattyacids.*

Perfect Chlorella, is pure, 100% Organic Certified Broken-Cell Wall Chlorella Regularis in a vegetable capsule. Each capsule contains 700mg of Chlorella powder. Chlorella is an excellent source of vegetarian protein, as well as numerous vitamin, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, and chlorophyll. Highly recommended for heavy metal detox, digestion and immune support.*