3 Steps To Take Today to Lower Dangerous Glyphosate Levels In Your Body

Do you eat?  Do you drink?  Do you Breathe? 

Then most likely you have the pesticide Glyphosate in your body. 

Glyphosate is a widely used pesticide that has been linked to numerous health concerns.  It can be found in almost all food and drink products and studies have found alarmingly high amounts in the average American’s body.  A recent study showed that 93% of Americans tested were found to have Glyphosate in their urine and another study tracked individuals from from 1993 to 2016 and found that their levels increased by 500% during that time.  

There is good news however! 

There are tests available to determine how much is currently in your body, effective ways to avoid exposure, and steps you can take to lower your levels. 

3 Steps You Can Take To Significantly Lower Glyphosate Levels In Your Body and Repair Any Damages …

#1 Avoid

The most important step to ridding your body of toxic pesticides is to stop putting them into your body!  Eat clean, organic, non or limited processed foods.  A recent study showed a massive reduction of Glyphosate levels found in subjects’ bodies after only one week of eating organic! Avoid the Dirty Dozen and crops most heavily sprayed with Glyphosate.

#2 Detox

Based on the scientific studies to-date, there are a number of natural foods and supplements that have shown positive results in detoxifying and reducing the toxic effects of Glyphosate exposure.  Not only can you detox your body, but you can detox your home to limit exposure.

# 3 Restore

Glyphosate is also classified as a powerful antiobiotc, which can destroy good things in your body as well as the bad.  It is important to restore the good bacteria with probiotic rich foods and replenish your body with the vitamins and minerals that chemicals and antibiotics can strip away. You need to restore the good stuff the chemicals have possibly destroyed, like microbiomes in your gut. 

The following list will provide you with the best detoxing foods and recommended detoxing supplements and the best restorative foods and supplements.

Out With The Bad

There are a number of different studies that claim that Glyphosate accumulates in areas of the body like the intestine, liver, and kidney.

A study published in 2014  found that taking a combination of the following detox agents effectively reduced urinary levels of Glyphosate.  These can be taken orally or used topically.

In With The Good

Taking action with these 3 steps should greatly reduce the levels of Glyphosate found in your body.  




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