Nut-Free Swaps for Nut-Free Schools

Tons of schools are going nut-free due to the alarming rise in pediatric allergies. If your child is nut free, or if their school is nut-free, do not fear! Perfect Supplements has created the ultimate guide to packing nut-free snacks and lunches, and we’ve also compiled a few, great, real food recipes to get you started. The Obvious Sandwich Solution: SEED BUTTER! If your child is allergic to peanut butter…

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The Complete Guide to Packing Healthy School Lunches

It’s that time of year again! We know how hectic back-to-school season can be. The days are getting shorter. Your schedule is forced to change completely. You suddenly have to find time to make quick breakfasts before dropping the kids off. At night you have to balance extra curricular activities with homework and cooking a nutritious dinner for your family. When on earth are you going to have time to…

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