Decrease Your Risk of A Heart Attack by 89% by Following These 4 Simple Steps [Drug Free, All Natural]

The month of love is here!  February is typically associated with candies, cards and super expensive dates but it is also known as National Heart Month for this important reason:  Heart Disease Awareness & Prevention! So love yourself this February by becoming informed. Spread the love to family and friends with the awareness of things everyone should know- Major Risk Factors & Early Indicators of Possible Heart Disease, Symptoms of Heart Attack, Stroke,…

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Real Mom Bloggers W/ Real Good Advice

“Those Days” When Mother’s Day weekend approaches does anyone else get anxious?  I sometimes consider the day as a reminder of how good of a mother I have been throughout the year.  So every reason for any mother’s guilt that I have had over the past year is remembered. The day the Nanny walked in and I had to rush out to be on time for work in the middle of my completely naked 2…

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Life, Love, and Real Food: 10 Julia Child Quotes

“If you’re afraid of butter, use cream.” “Find something you’re passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.” “Life itself is the proper binge.” “Everything in moderation… including moderation.” “The only time to eat diet food is while you’re waiting for the steak to cook.” “Fat gives things flavor.” “No one is born a great cook, one learns by doing.” “You are the butter to my bread, and the breath…

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