Healthy Weight Gain: 5 Quick Tips and 5 Healthy Recipes

When the obvious solution to “just eat more” isn’t working. The topic of losing weight has been a major issue for most people in our society.  What about gaining weight?  For those who are genetically thin or have an overachieving metabolism, it may be hard to move that scale in a positive direction.  Sometimes the obvious solution, to just eat more, doesn’t work. Here are 5 quick tips on gaining…

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How to Make a Healthy Shake to Gain Weight

That’s right- you read the title correctly. Believe it or not, I receive quite a few questions regarding how to gain weight in a healthy way. Often times, children and athletes need to take in extra calories to make up for the extra energy they expend on a daily basis. Although shakes and smoothies can be used to lose weight, they can also be used to gain weight. Coconut Banana…

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