Supporting Local Farms – Dame Farm

  The Perfect Supplements family believes in supporting local agriculture. We do this in various ways, including shopping directly from local farms and our local food-co-op. One of our favorite ways to interact with local farms is “Pick-Your-Own” fruit. We gather our children and friends together and travel around the state to various farms, depending on the time of year and the harvest. In June, strawberries are in season. Is…

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Are You Doing Your Part to Protect the Environment?

Why does a dietary supplement blog have a category dedicated to the environment? Because we believe that Perfect Health cannot be achieved in a polluted environment. The Earth sustains us…the water, the soil, the plants, the animals. It is so obvious, contaminating the air and water and soil, contaminates us! Greed Since this is so obvious to you and me, why does the poisoning of our planet continue? The fact…

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