Can Pond Scum Prevent Disease?

According to TakePart, a company called Solazyme and the University of Manitoba have secured a patent for using a strain of microalgae called Chlorella protothecoides to treat people with impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes. Solazyme is a San Francisco Bay Area green technology company.

If you are already familiar with the health benefits of Perfect Chlorella, you may be aware that evidence suggests that chlorella may help people maintain healthy blood sugar levels. A recent scientific study was published in 2008 and found that mice fed chlorella saw reduced blood sugar levels.


In another study also published in 2008, 17 healthy people and 17 people at risk for lifestyle related disease were fed chlorella for 4 months. The scientists noticed significant reductions in body fat, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels in those who were given the algae. The researchers also noted that chlorella may have had a hand in boosting the at risk group’s metabolism.

According to Solazyme, “the company has found in animal testing that algae decreased blood sugar levels without relying on insulin. The patent claims that traditional treatments for diabetes and other illnesses could be reduced or eliminated after a subject starts consuming algae” (TakePart).

Chlorella is so nutrient dense, it is no wonder that it boasts so many impressive healthy benefits. Other health benefits of chlorella include detoxification of heavy metals and improved digestion.


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